Your product is only as good as your steam,
and your steam is only as good as your filter
The Client:
A food plant that produces Soy and other Protein Based foods. The Client uses Steam to clean its processing equipment and storage tanks in between production. They produce many soy products including concentrates and isolates to isoflavones, textured proteins, soy flours, edible oils and lecithin.
The Problem:
The client had Steam filters installed in various places in the production facility. The filters were made of Cast Iron with large bulky carbon tube element that needed regular cleaning. The cast iron housing would continually leak because of improper and low quality housing seals. This affected the pressure and steam quality in the system after the filter. The regular manual cleaning forced the facility to have regular shutdowns and it was not able to run at full capacity. The client was also getting too many particles in the steam line after the filter.
The Process:
The Engineers at Micropure reviewed the specific application and needs of Client. Micropure presented them with a proposal for a Culinary Steam filter that was sized specifically for their application. The Culinary Steam filter was designed and sized based off the pressure and flow rate of the steam line.

The Solution:
As a result of using the Micropure Culinary Steam filter, they have ensured the quality of the steam used in their facility to clean their equipment and tanks. The Micropure Culinary Steam filter has many advantages for food production facilities.
The filter offered the Client system security. Micropure’s stainless steel filter housing is secured by a DIN 11851 nut and Gasket. This ensures there will be no leakage or pressure drop because of seals or mechanical pressure. The client also chose to use Micropure’s condensate drain system which removes excess condensate from pre and post filter steam allowing for the highest quality clean culinary steam to be achieved.
The media that Micropure provided gave the client two distinct advantages. The media is absolute rated at 3 micron, giving the client insurance that 100% of 3+ micron particles and chemicals would be removed from their steam. This is below the 5 micron rating required by the culinary 3-A standard. The media and element also have the ability to be cleaned while the unit is inline giving them the shorter down time and less production time is lost.
The Success of the Micropure culinary steam filter in this facility was so drastic compared to the steam filter they had prior, the client has replaced every steam filter in its facility with a Micropure Culinary Steam filter and is currently working on replacing all of the steam filters in its other facilities Nationwide.