Mash Press

What’s a Mash Press?

A mash filter press is a large frame filter used for filtering mash. The mash goes through the same basic steps as a traditional lauter tun. The mash is pumped into the filter. The mash slowly fills up each chamber. Once the chambers are filled to capacity, a squeezing process begins to help remove wort and extract from the mash. Pressure from the mash and squeezing process will push the wort through a micron rated filter cloth before the wort gets pumped to the next phase.

Ask Micropure about a Mash Press

Filter Press consisting of a series of cloth filters fixed to frames, used for the large-scale filtration of liquid under pressure.

Why use a Mash Press?

In a traditional brewery, a lauter tun is used to remove the wort from the mash & grains. A lauter tun removes the extract via gravity and circulation. In the lauter tun there is a false bottom with a screen. The mash falls to the bottom of the tank and is circulated by a rake. Mash build up on the bottom creates a filtration medium. This allows the solids and liquid (clear wort) to separate.

 Rake system and False bottom that are common in commercial lauter tun

Why is the Mash Filter Press more effective?

Advantages of Membrane Filter Plates

Shorter Filtration Cycles

Lower Residual Moisture in Cake

Lower pressure to be used on plates

Higher Volume per Chamber

Shorter Filter Press Frames

Phases of Mash Filter Press Cycle

1 - Filling Stage​

Filling Stage: The Mash enters the chambers through a feed pump. 

2 - Filtration Stage​

Filtration Stage: Once the chambers are full, the Mash that is being pushed by the feed pump will force the Wort out from the chambers. The Filter Plates and Filter Cloths will capture the Mash Grains.

3 - Compression Stage​

Compression Stage: Once the feed pressure has cycled out, the system will be closed and the membrane squeeze will begin. Water or Air is pumped behind the membrane bladders. This compress the mash grains inside the chambers and forces out more Wort.

4 - Draining Stage​

Draining Stage: Once the compression stage is complete. The Water or Air will drain from the Mash Filter.

5 - Discharge Stage​

Grain / Cake  Discharge Stage: Each chamber is opened up for cleaning and the grain is discharged.

Choosing a brewing production system is a difficult task. Speak with Micropure about how a Mash Press can be integrated into your brewery.

Ask Micropure about a Mash Press

Technical Specs

Maximum Feed Pressure100 psig
Maximum Squeeze Pressure100  psig
Maximum operating temp     200°F/121°C
Mash Press Sizes1 HL-200HL
Pore Sizes0.5 um – 200 um
Material of Construction: 
FrameCarbon Steel
Filter PlatesPolypropylene
Membrane BladderEPDM
Filter ClothsPolypropylene

Mash Press Presentation and Explanation