How to Keep an Organic Product
Through an Organic Process
The Client:
An independent organic Tofu production facility in the eastern USA. This regional company has grown steadily every year since its inception in the early 90’s.
The Problem:
The client had two specific problems with its steam and how it would be used in the tofu production process. The most important part of the client’s business is that all of its products fall under the title “100% Organic” label.The business is growing and their production process has become more automated. They are using steam injection to cook the product before it goes into the packaging area. The client has to ensure that every phase of the production process follows the USDA Organic Guidelines.
The second issue is the operation costs of the equipment in the facility. Because of the size of the business and its independent nature, the client is doing everything in its power to keep operational and monthly costs as low as possible.

The Process:
The Engineers at Micropure reviewed the specific application and needs of client. Micropure also contacted several USDA Organic certification agents to get a better understanding of what would be required of a steam filter to ensure the clients process would be 100% organic. Micropure presented them with a proposal for a Culinary Steam filter that was sized specifically for their application. The Culinary Steam filter was designed and sized based off the pressure and flow rate of the steam line.
The Solution:
As a result of using the Micropure Culinary Steam filter, they have ensured the quality of the steam used in their facility to cook the product. The Micropure Culinary Steam filter has many advantages for Organic Food Processes.
USDA guidelines state that steam used in organic processes must have 2 important features. The first is that the steam is free from boiler chemicals. The second is that any piping or equipment is stainless steel to ensure no rust or particles end up in the other phases of the process or the final product. The Micropure Culinary Steam filter is made from 100% Stainless steel. The Housing, Element, Media and support structure are all made from high quality stainless steel. The media that is installed in a Micropure steam filter is absolute rated media at 3 micron. This absolute micron rating, which is below the 5 micron rated required by the 3-A culinary standard, ensures that the removal of boiler chemicals that would affect the organic process.
The second deciding factor for the client was the operational cost of the Micropure culinary steam filter. The filtration media that is installed in the filter has the ability to be cleaned by flow reversal or any food grade stainless steel cleaner. The media has the ability to be cleaned or back flushed 150 times before it loses its absolute filtration rating. This gives the media the longest life span of any steam filter available. When the media needs to be replaced, it is a fraction of the cost of replacing the entire element. This is a substantial cost savings over the life of the filter.